Our sweet little Daisy turned 4 on Friday and had a wonderful Cinderella party! We love our big girl so much and she brings so much fun to our family.. she's always on the go and loves life! We love you Daisy!

Princess Daisy in her new Cinderella dress her mama made her.

Addie in her Cinderella dress that Grandma Becky made for Daisy 2 years ago.

The cake and castle that Daisy helped put together!

The birthday cake!

Daisy blowing out her candles with help from her prince... Logan! Before the party Daisy was prancing around in her dress saying that she was just waiting for her prince to come. (Which was Logan!)

The other princesses with their fairy godmother wands!

The Cinderella castle that Daddy made!

The pinata that some little first grader made!
Or at least it looks like a first grader project :)

Scavenging for all the candy... notice that Addie's right in there with them!

She's was quite proud of her accomplishments...

Even if they didn't last too long!

After the party we spent the rest of the day playing at Rigby lake!

Crazy Daisy

Addie La Roo

Then we ended a wonderful birthday at Red Robin were Daisy got sang too and
had a very special birthday sundae!
Happy Birthday Daisy!