On November 5th, Dusty turned 30 years old! What a big day! So for Dusty's birthday I suprised him with a 7-night cruise to the Mexican Rivera. We drove up to Coeur d'Alene on November 13th because my parents had bought Dusty and I tickets to the broadway musical, "Lion King". They had bought the tickets before we decided to sell our house and move, but it was perfect because we could go on the cruise and leave the girls with their grandparents. The play was amazing with all the intricate costumes. (Thanks mom and dad!) Then on Sunday we flew to LA for the cruise. It was so much fun! It was great to get away and spend some time together in the wonderful hot sunshine! Our stops were Cabo San Lucas, Matazalan, and Puerto Vallarta. The weather was perfect the whole time! In Cabo, we went parasailing and snorkeling. The parasail went up +600 ft! It was a beautiful view. The water was so warm too! In Matazalan we just walked around the city and went to the flea market. The meat section smelt so bad and we saw lots of pigs, or their parts atleast. (check out the pictures below!) Then In Puerto Vallarta we rented a convertible bug that they had just cut the top off. Then we were in for a crazy ride because first of all it was a rental and Dusty was driving and second of all we were in Mexico and everyone drives like Dusty down there!! And the bad news is my seat belt wouldn't work!!! But all in all we arrived safety back to the boat with only getting pulled over once. We had turned on a one way road, (but there was no sign) anyways, a cop in the street told us to pull over and he asked for Dusty's license and wanted to give us a ticket for 1000 pesos, (about $100 dollars). Yeah right, so anyways Dusty pulled out his wallet, which had quite a bit of cash and asked the cop how much he wanted. Then the cop was like, oh no I can't take your money, people are watching me. So he had us drive up the block and Dusty met him on the sidewalk and slipped the money in his litte purse thing and then he handed Dusty back his license. Dusty then booked it back the car before the cop realized Dusty only gave him 3 rolled up 1 dollar bills! Ha Ha Ha!
Well, Puerta Vallarta was our favorite stop. It looked like a jungle there and we went on 10 ziplines through the jungle and over rivers. We got to hold little monkeys while they ate out of our hands!
We had a great time the whole week and ate a whole lot! We came back tan and were excited to see our little girls. We missed them so much!
Well, Puerta Vallarta was our favorite stop. It looked like a jungle there and we went on 10 ziplines through the jungle and over rivers. We got to hold little monkeys while they ate out of our hands!
We had a great time the whole week and ate a whole lot! We came back tan and were excited to see our little girls. We missed them so much!

Our fancy dining room on the boat.

Our little dinner group! The couple on the right are from Poland and they thought that Dusty looked like Jim Carrey!

All the waiters sang to Dusty for his birthday one night!

That's us parasailing in Cabo San Lucas

Sea Lion Rock in Cabo

The beach in Matazalan

Gross! But Dusty looks cute!

There goes Dusty on the zip line in Puerto Vallarta

Here he comes!

This was a natural rock slide in a place called El Eden in Puerto Vallarta

Don't worry I have my nose plugged, no water up my nose!

The Rental!

The sunrise on Saturday morning!

The monkey towel our room attendant made

Leaving the boat... with a few extra pounds each!